
Individuals Families Others Own charts
Total individuals: 170
Total males Total females Total living Total dead
110 60 81 89
Males [64.7%], Females [35.3%] Living [47.7%], Dead [52.4%]

Total births Total deaths
15 8
Births by century Deaths by century
Births by century Deaths by century
Earliest birth Earliest death
諱炳圖 "字益庄,號绍泉" 孫 堂叔祖(十房) 蟠•石舟公三子,多晶公先祖 附貢生戶部山西司郎中廣西南寧府知府 賞戴花翎 誥授中憲大夫 堂叔祖(十房), 蟠•石舟公三子,多晶公先祖, 附貢生戶部山西司郎中廣西南寧府知府 賞戴花翎 誥授中憲大夫 ‎(I60)‎
Birth 1776 -- 生于清乾隆四十一年三月初九日己时
Death 1854 ‏(Age 78)‏ -- 卒于清咸丰四年八月初九日己时
‎(未知)‎ 黄氏 炳圖公原配夫人,诰封大恭人 晉贈一品夫人 ‎(I71)‎
Birth 1778 -- 清乾隆四十三年七月十七日酉時,壽州
Death 1820 ‏(Age 42)‏ -- 清嘉慶二十七年十月初二申時,與炳圖公合葬,
Latest birth Latest death
This information is private and cannot be shown. 多晶 孫 傳阜長子 ‎(I84)‎
Birth 1921 20 20
Death 2008 ‏(Age 87)‏

Average age at death Males Females
68 years 73 years 65 years
Average age related to death century

Top age at death
Males Females

Total surnames Total given names
28 168
Top surnames Top given names
孫 - 144, Other - 25 未知 - 5, (待查) - 3, 方維 - 2, (佚名) - 2, 多珍 - 1, 多琇 - 1, duoyuan - 1, Other - 155